Your writing meets glossy print & digital.
Your story short or long, fiction or not, factual or fake journalism, Netflix screenplay, Jane Austen novel excerpt, greatest viral eX-tweets, magic memoir or memo, human-intelligent or non-intelligent essay etc.
Your poetry, free verse or authoritarian lyrics, Dylanesque Nobel Prize riffs, TikTok haiku, that kind of thing.
And les belles images (thanks Simone Beauvoir) your images or your story in images, graphic novel, artistic Marvel, mangled Miyazaki, Instagram reel, all that.
Your submission costs the cover price of the digital magazine. We send you a link to download the latest issue. Hurrah!!
We get back to you with a yes or no on your submission ASAP.
As well as the fame and glory of being published in the magazine as a trophy payment we offer a copy of that digital edition.
Questions or something to say?
Submit one file docx, doc, rtf with one story.
Your submission costs the cover price of the digital magazine. We send you a link to download the latest issue. Hurrah!!
Submit one file docx, doc, rtf with up to three poems.
Your submission costs the cover price of the digital magazine. We send you a link to download the latest issue. Hurrah!!
Submit up to three image files, jpg or png.
Your submission costs the cover price of the digital magazine. We send you a link to download the latest issue. Hurrah!!